Social Skills

As the field of social skills within autism is vast, it is not possible to cover all the concerns, research and intervention programmes within this sub-section. The content below therefore simply provides a brief overview of social skills within the context of ‘Leisure’.

Social skills of course play a huge part in leisure. Most leisure activities involve some level of social interaction and so will require some social skills. This will range from basic skills, such as buying a ticket for the cinema to more complex skills, such as those involved in team sports or attending a youth club. Whilst some activities can be carried out in solitude, social interaction often forms a valuable part of leisure skills. Research continually shows that people with autism who form social relationships reduce their risk of social isolation and loneliness and are at less risk of developing mental health concerns, such as depression and anxiety. Positive social relationships improve quality of life outcomes, and so developing social skills can significantly improve emotional wellbeing.

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