Preparation for Employment
Leaving school and progressing towards further study or the world of work can be challenging for young with autism who may find even small changes challenging. To prepare for the changes afoot it is necessary to cover the practicalities of writing CV’s; interview skills; social skills and etiquette.
Advice from Dr Temple Grandin about early integration into the world of work: (watch from 4.25-5.26, Please do not share this video)
This section directly addresses the older student to promote greater independence and the feeling of empowerment. Therefore, professionals and parents can direct the individual to the areas which many be applicable to them and assist as appropriate in the exploration of the strategies and resources suggested.
Read more about employability.
(Please do not share this video)
Work experience opportunities through school and voluntary work can assist in identifying areas of interest which could be developed into future employment. For further reading click here.
For some practical advice refer to: Myles, B.S., Endow, J. and Mayfield, M. (2013). The Hidden Curriculum of Getting and Keeping a Job: Navigating the Social Landscape of Employment: a Guide for Individuals with Autism Spectrum and Other Social-cognitive Challenges. AAPC Publishing.
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